OMAS 2020 Stride Results
June 1-30, 2020
30 OMAS and grandothers registered to "stride to turn the tide" in support of their African sisters. We walk together hand in hand.
FINAL REPORT from OMAS Stride coordinator, Connie Lacey:
Happy Canada Day everyone! I hope you are resting from all that walking and biking. I want to personally thank those who took part in our Virtual Stride either by actually counting your kms or donating a lump sum. It has been very successful, the total raised is $8027!!
Enjoy the summer as best you can and stay safe,
Stride to Turn the Tide is a fundraising initiative created by grandmothers and grandothers in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign. Grandmothers and grandothers organize annual walks in their communities, and invite people of all ages to participate in solidarity with grandmothers in sub-Saharan Africa who walk with purpose every day as they turn the tide of HIV and AIDS. Support for African grandmothers and their community-based organizations remains urgent as they respond to the new and emerging needs of the global COVID-19 pandemic while still continuing their work in response to the AIDS pandemic.
This year, Stride to Turn the Tide is going virtual. Grandmothers groups and individuals of any age are invited to participate in a “virtual” Stride; engaging in activities that can be done from home during this time when public health and safety are our collective priority. Rather than physically gathering to walk as a group, each participant tracks their steps over a period of time. Using the combined total of kilometers walked by participants, see how far your group can “virtually” walk (or cycle, run, practice yoga – all activities welcome)! Join in solidarity and Stride to Turn the Tide with us.
TO DONATE, click here
A Word from Stephen:
June 1-30, 2020
30 OMAS and grandothers registered to "stride to turn the tide" in support of their African sisters. We walk together hand in hand.
FINAL REPORT from OMAS Stride coordinator, Connie Lacey:
Happy Canada Day everyone! I hope you are resting from all that walking and biking. I want to personally thank those who took part in our Virtual Stride either by actually counting your kms or donating a lump sum. It has been very successful, the total raised is $8027!!
Enjoy the summer as best you can and stay safe,
Stride to Turn the Tide is a fundraising initiative created by grandmothers and grandothers in support of the Stephen Lewis Foundation’s Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign. Grandmothers and grandothers organize annual walks in their communities, and invite people of all ages to participate in solidarity with grandmothers in sub-Saharan Africa who walk with purpose every day as they turn the tide of HIV and AIDS. Support for African grandmothers and their community-based organizations remains urgent as they respond to the new and emerging needs of the global COVID-19 pandemic while still continuing their work in response to the AIDS pandemic.
This year, Stride to Turn the Tide is going virtual. Grandmothers groups and individuals of any age are invited to participate in a “virtual” Stride; engaging in activities that can be done from home during this time when public health and safety are our collective priority. Rather than physically gathering to walk as a group, each participant tracks their steps over a period of time. Using the combined total of kilometers walked by participants, see how far your group can “virtually” walk (or cycle, run, practice yoga – all activities welcome)! Join in solidarity and Stride to Turn the Tide with us.
TO DONATE, click here
A Word from Stephen: