Join OMAS SISKONA of KW for the next Scrabble & Market Sunday November 15 (3rd Sunday), 2020
Parkminster United Church
275 Erb St. E (just west of the Conestoga Parkway)
Waterloo ON
1-4:30 p.m.
Proceeds to the Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation
Here's how it works:
Play Scrabble, Bridge, Cribbage or another game of your choice. Admission by donation.
Enjoy tea and goodies in the Tea Room!
Shop at the Market for our famous Gift Baskets, Books and Puzzles, Home Baking, Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Handmade Crafts, Gifts
Donate and/or Collect donations from friends, family, club members, co-workers.
For more information and donation pledge sheets, contact Ann at 519 886 4479
Invite everyone you know! Join your grandchildren in the Games Room to play their favourite games.
This is OMAS' BIG ANNUAL FUNDRAISER. We need all members to participate!!!
Bring Friends and family! EVERYONE WELCOME!!!!
Can't join us that day? DONATE at:
Parkminster United Church
275 Erb St. E (just west of the Conestoga Parkway)
Waterloo ON
1-4:30 p.m.
Proceeds to the Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation
Here's how it works:
Play Scrabble, Bridge, Cribbage or another game of your choice. Admission by donation.
Enjoy tea and goodies in the Tea Room!
Shop at the Market for our famous Gift Baskets, Books and Puzzles, Home Baking, Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Handmade Crafts, Gifts
Donate and/or Collect donations from friends, family, club members, co-workers.
For more information and donation pledge sheets, contact Ann at 519 886 4479
Invite everyone you know! Join your grandchildren in the Games Room to play their favourite games.
This is OMAS' BIG ANNUAL FUNDRAISER. We need all members to participate!!!
Bring Friends and family! EVERYONE WELCOME!!!!
Can't join us that day? DONATE at:
These Gift Baskets and Crafts below sold at Scrabble and Market 2019